Atlantia enters the "We-Economy": start of the new remuneration model

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We are continuing on our path of profound innovation in the relationship between the company and its employees, with the aim of identifying forms of organization and remuneration that are increasingly transparent, fair and inclusive. Today we have reached an agreement with all the trade unions (Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Sla Cisal, Ugl Viabilità) that introduces from 2022 a new model aimed at increasing pay and reward opportunities for all employees, making them increasingly active protagonists of the general project of transformation of our company.

The model - aimed at creating an organization characterized by the broad sharing of responsibilities and opportunities ("We-Economy") - extends to all our employees, without exception, the variable incentive systems historically offered only to management and also offers non-executives (middle managers and all other employees) bonus opportunities up to 50% of fixed remuneration with additional opportunities for outstanding results. In this way, the remuneration of each employee will be structurally made up of 5 ordinary elements: salary, short-term and long-term variable remuneration (linked to economic-financial, environmental and social objectives), annual share plans and supplementary welfare plans.

In compliance with the principles of the OIL Convention No. 190 of 2019 and the EU Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025, with the trade unions we are committed to making structural the protection and enhancement of all diversity through the adoption of all necessary measures to ensure absolute salary equality, in particular, between genders. We will draw up an annual report certified by a qualified external party to attest the initiatives undertaken and cancel any pay gap detected.

The agreement stipulates that employee share ownership will become a recurring element of fixed annual remuneration through the free allocation of a number of shares (500 for the 2022 Plan). The approval and implementation procedures for this new form of financial shareholding will be proposed to the Company's Board of Directors subject to a favourable resolution by the Shareholders' Meeting.

With the contribution of the trade unions, we have redesigned the Company's supplementary "Welfare Plan", further expanding the categories of goods and services available to employees and their families: for example, education for children, assistance for the elderly, interest on mortgages, culture and sports. All workers can also benefit from a health policy, which can be extended to family members, and a life policy. Among the many initiatives promoted in favor of sustainable mobility, the annual season ticket for public transport used to reach work sites will be guaranteed.

Finally, to attract the best resources from the university world and recognize the active participation of young people in the organizational life of the company, we have agreed to increase the monthly allowance for internships to 1,200 euros per month. This is a concrete measure, which we hope will symbolically represent a first step towards reducing the gap between Italy and other European Union countries, which have become the natural destination for many of our young talents.

We have also reached a second agreement with the trade unions which, on the basis of the experience gained during the most acute phase of the pandemic crisis, introduces on a permanent basis a "hybrid" working model aimed at favoring the optimal reconciliation of life and work times while taking into account the vital need to keep professional ties strong and constant through collaboration in presence.

The model foresees that the working week is divided into 3 days in presence and 2 remote days, planned on a weekly basis. Working from home can be adopted with ample flexibility between the hours of 8.00 and 20.00. In order to combine organizational needs with the right of workers to rest and reconciliation of work and life times, there are "disconnection time bands" - from 13.00 to 14.00 and from 20.00 to 8.00 - during which the employee is not required to ensure connection, nor to perform work. In addition, during the working day, it will be possible to disconnect for a further 3 hours. The company, in adopting the new model, will give priority to workers experiencing conditions of special need, temporary or permanent.

infografica Atalntia

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