Yunex Traffic UK contributes to enabling the mobility of tomorrow

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The UK is one of the most important markets and businesses for our Asset Company Yunex Traffic: not only because the company's global factory is located there, but also because Yunex Traffic is developing ground-breaking ITS innovations with its largest customer Transport for London (TfL).

Poole is where Yunex Traffic's ground-breaking solutions and products, such as the RSU2X and the Controllers and the new Signal Heads, are manufactured and shipped all over the world. Thanks to long and strong relationships with suppliers and proven processes, Yunex Traffic has always been able to deliver to its customers on time and reliably, although in recent month rising prices and supply chain disruptions have taken their toll on the global factory.

As London’s integrated transport authority and customer of Yunex Traffic, TfL is a global pioneer when it comes to making mobility more sustainable, safe, and efficient: the Mayor of London is indeed convinced that transport has the potential to shape London. With a variety of initiatives, the city is therefore committed to optimising local mobility so that citizens can move freely and maintain the quality of life in the city. The focus is on three strategies: healthy streets and healthy people, a good public transport experience, and new homes and jobs. To deliver these strategies, TfL has worked closely with Yunex Traffic as a technology partner for many years. Together, the two companies are making London's streets safer, its air cleaner and its cities more liveable. One of the ground-breaking projects that TfL and Yunex Traffic have realized together is London’s Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ). It began operating in October 2019 and after the first ten months of operation research carried out by the Mayor of London’s office showed that ULEZ had made a significant impact. In the central zone, the scheme had contributed to a 44% reduction in roadside nitrogen dioxide, and 44,100 fewer polluting vehicles being driven every day, saving around 12,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. At the end of December 2020, compliance with the central London ULEZ stood at 85% for all vehicles, with over 90% of cars compliant.

Next to come is RTO/Fusion, a one-in-its-kind global SW solution developed by Yunex UK leveraging on the experience and commitment of TfL to making London a sustainable city, that will further reduce congestion and optimize traffic for private vehicles, public transportation, bicycles and pedestrians depending on the strategy and policies defined by TfL.  Once again London and TfL, together with Yunex Traffic, will be trendsetters in the deployment of technologies to improve quality of life and health of citizens in dense urban areas.

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