Sustainability: our Sustainalytics rating increases

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We are continuing our path towards sustainability, confirming our commitment to be among the Italian listed companies most attentive to this matter.

The rating company Sustainalytics has in fact improved our rating to 14.7 points (scale 0 best, >40 worst). As a result of our improved rating, we are among the 10% most virtuous companies among the 15,000 or so assessed by Sustainalytics. Sustainalytics is a subsidiary of Morningstar and specializes in assessing how effectively companies manage ESG risks. Sustainalytics evaluates some 15,000 companies globally, providing a universal and independent yardstick for investors, shareholders and analysts.

This new step follows our inclusion a few weeks ago in Bloomberg's Gender Equality Index (GEI), which brings together the companies most committed internationally to transparent treatment and a fair and inclusive work environment. We were also recently included in the Mib ESG Index, which includes the 40 most sustainable listed companies in Italy, and in the Euronext 120 Eurozone, which selects the 120 most sustainable companies in the Eurozone. We were also confirmed in the FTSE4Good, a global index used by market participants to create and evaluate responsible investment funds. Last September, the international agency MSCI ESG Ratings (which specializes in monitoring some 2,800 companies on the sustainability front) raised our rating to BBB.

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