At a time of great crisis for our civilisation, our priority must be to provide concrete support for the Ukrainian people, forced to abandon their homes. As infrastructure and mobility providers and as a community of more 20,000 people in 24 countries, we have a clear duty to act.
Several employees of our Group are working closely with the Ukrainian refugees, trying to help and assist them as much as possible. This is the case, for example, of colleagues at the Polish subsidiary Stalexport, which manages one of the main corridors, coming from Lviv, used by refugees leaving Ukraine. As Atlantia, we have decided to launch a concrete initiative to welcome and assist Ukrainian refugees in Italy, who are expected to arrive in increasing numbers in the coming weeks.
Our choice is to commit in first person, to give full substance to our Active Citizenship program 10Days4, which allows us to devote several working days to volunteer work. Working with Caritas Italiana and the Community of Sant’Egidio, we will set up a refugee welcome and assistance programme. This will include training, psychological support, legal advice, children’s services, crèches and learning support. We want to carry out these activities also by making available our center in Villa Fassini in Rome - a large area equipped with buildings and green spaces - where, following the evaluation of the local authorities, assistance activities will be provided. Further solidarity and support initiatives are being studied and approved by the Group's main companies. Abertis is defining the methods of support for the Polish Red Cross, which is involved in managing the emergency in the area. Aeroporti di Roma and Aéroports de la Côte d'Azur are, in turn, launching reception and solidarity initiatives for refugees passing through their respective airports.