Atlantia: Moody’s reviews Atlantia’s credit rating for upgrade, and affirms ADR’s Baa3 ratings with positive outlook while upgrading ASPI to Ba2 |
Atlantia, sale of stake in Autostrade per l’Italia: consent solicitation from holders of ASPI’s bonds guaranteed by Atlantia |
Atlantia a sustainability leader with admission to MIB ESG Index |
Atlantia, sale of entire stake in ASPI: settlement agreement signed by ASPI and Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility |
Atlantia ceases management and coordination of subsidiaries registered in Italy |
Atlantia: Ceases Management and Coordination of subsidiaries Registred in Italy |
Atlantia: Board approves Engagement and Responsible Investment Policies |
Atlantia: Abertis new agreement signed with the Government of Chile |
Atlantia: agreement between Company and Unions means employees will have 10 days on full pay to volunteer for non-profit organisations |
Atlantia: Vigeo and GRESB upgrade sustainability ratings |
Atlantia launches new corporate website, providing gateway to all areas of group, present in 24 countries |
Sustainability: Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur’s three airports obtain highest level of Airport Carbon Accreditation: “4+”. Net zero to be achieved by 2030. |
Atlantia: MSCI upgrades Atlantia’s sustainability rating on its global index |
Atlantia: Abertis reaches a binding agreement for the disposal of the minority stake (35%) in A’lienor |
Disposal of the entire stake in Lusoponte: exercise of pre-emption right by the other shareholders |
Release notice of interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2021 |
Sale of Atlantia’s entire stake in ASPI: authorisation from the Italian Government (so-called “Golden Power”) |
Atlantia, interim report for six months ended 30 June 2021 |
Atlantia’s Board approves new diversity, equality, and inclusion guidelines |
Publication of Information Document for related party transactions of greater significance |