Code of Ethics

The ethical principles and values underpinning the Company's culture - set out in the Code of Ethics - inspire management policies and guide the daily actions of the Group's people. Our commitment to fostering and promoting a culture of diversity, a founding value of the concept of equality and inclusion, is enshrined in special Guidelines.

The Code of Ethics: our core values

In our daily work, we observe professional and ethical integrity, correct behaviour and full compliance with the laws and regulations in all countries where we operate and with the principles of honesty, reliability, impartiality, loyalty, transparency, fairness and good faith.

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Turning values into action:

The principles expressed in the Code of Ethics define the values common to the Group and shall be respected by everyone who is part of it. "Ethical rules of conduct and Policy on Disciplinary Actions, Suspension and Termination of Employment", which govern the measures to be adopted against employees and executives who have breached the Code of Ethics, are part of this logic.

We are a team, we reject discrimination

We want our people to enjoy the best conditions of well-being at work. We provide them with a working environment inspired by principles of equality and protection of freedom, dignity and inviolability of the person.

Monitoring compliance with the Code of Ethics: Our Whistleblowing Committee

Our Whistleblowing Committee is responsible for the process of managing reports of violations of the Code of Ethics and suggests any improvements to the process to the Board of Directors. Its tasks also include promoting the necessary information and training measures for the corporate population. In particular, the Committee is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Codes, examining reports of possible violations and promoting any checks deemed necessary, also in collaboration with the Internal Audit Department of the Company.