
Mundys S.p.A. Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme

Mundys S.p.A. € 5,000,000,000 EMTN Programme19 June 2024Download

Other documents available:

For the by-laws of Mundys, please refer to the following section: DOCUMENTS AND PROCEDURES

For the Integrated Annual Reports of Mundys, please refer to the following section: RESULTS

For the Sustainability Linked Financing Framework and the related Second Party Opinion, please refer to the following section: SUSTAINABILITY-LINKED FINANCING FRAMEWORK​​

BondISIN CodeCurrencyTypePar valueCoupon interestDocuments
Mundys 2017-2025XS1558491855EurBond126,644,0001.625%Download
Mundys 2017-2027XS1645722262EurBond1,000,000,0001.875%Download
Mundys 2024-2029XS2750308483EurBond750,000,0004.750%Download
Mundys 2024-2030XS2864439158EurBond500,000,0004.500%Download

In February 2021 Mundys launched a new €1,000m bond issue for institutional investors maturing in 2028.

BondISIN CodeCurrencyTypePar valueCoupon interestDocuments
Mundys 2021-2028XS2301390089EurBond1,000,000,0001.875%Download

The offering circulars and listing prospectuses for the bond, the information documents on the issuer, the terms and conditions and the notices concerning the financial instruments were published in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. Please note that none of the securities above described are proposed for sale or offered by any company of the Group.